

brandon williamscraig  

To: California Secretary of State

We call for an investigation into and remedy for the following malfeasance in voter registration.

In California, the office of the Alameda County Registrar of Voter, David MacDonald, participated in the following questionable pratices:

- mailed Presidential Primary Election (February 5, 2008) ballot requests in such a way that they arrived after the deadline for submission had passed (December 17, 2007). On December 19th, 2007 the deadline was reported by a Registrar of Voters telephone representative as being extended to January 22, 2008 but the form does not provide this information and therefore appears useless.

- failed to include on the form a line for printing both name and address to speed verification of voters. Only a signature and date line is included. The same Registrar of Voters telephone representative reported how difficult it is to work with just a signature and strongly requested the additional information.

We are California residents and are concerned that the practices outlined above directly and negatively impact the democratic process and all parties allowing Decline to State/Non-partisan voters to participate in their upcoming primaries. We hereby call for an investigation and verification of the deadline extension.


The Undersigned

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   | posted by Unknown @ 12/19/2007 12:01:00 PM



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