

brandon williamscraig  

If I ever figure out something to say about this, once I rise again from the floor and manage to catch my breath and get medical help, I'll post it here.

For now, I'll just say...wow, Dude.

And now a bit of remedial, back to sanity reporting from my favorite non-corpopate news source - toddlers.

and for Meghan and Lisa (Montessori reference) ...


   | posted by Unknown @ 3/31/2008 09:12:00 AM



For the past month I've been working with Don Levine for Aiki Extensions, an international organization of groups and individuals who extend "aiki principles" into applications beyond the traditional dojo setting. I understand these principles to refer to the themes implicitly and explicitly associated with the practice of Aikido, which I include in the method I call Martial Nonviolence, which includes Balancing Conflict and Healing Friction (short name Conflict Balancing).

This example of AE related work is by Paul Linden. He calls what he offers Being In Movement® body awareness training. An AE member who is one of his students blogged about him here.

This is a tiny clip from the AE Training Across Borders (TAB) gathering in Cyprus to bring people from various areas o f the Middle East, Europe, and the United States together to work with traditionally conflict ridden cultural expectations in a training environment.

Aikido is helping an Iraqi to 'get out of the way of conflict'

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Kayla Feder (center), who is organizing a fundraiser for ... Bashar Ahmed. Photo courtesy of Neil Mick


Without his friends and fellow martial arts practitioners in the Bay Area and around the United States, Bashar Ahmed might have been another anonymous casualty of the Iraq war.

Ahmed has a black belt in aikido, a Japanese martial art whose practitioners learn to "get out of the way of conflict," in the words of instructor Kayla Feder of Richmond. But Ahmed is a native of Baghdad, where avoiding conflict is all but impossible.

Last year, Ahmed's father was shot to death. The father of another Iraqi aikido practitioner was kidnapped and held for tens of thousands of dollars in ransom, and a member of the Baghdad aikido training center was killed in a car bombing.

After he received threats in the wake of his father's slaying, Ahmed fled the country. Now he's in Syria, trying to get his remaining family out of Baghdad, and his friends in the Bay Area are holding a benefit for him today.

"He needs our support," said Feder, who is hosting today's aikido exhibition in Richmond.

Ahmed says the Iraq war and his refugee status have made him even more reliant on a martial art known for its spirituality and the empathy it requires toward opponents.

"All these wars and violence and bad situations ... made me cling more (to) aikido," Ahmed said in an e-mail interview from Damascus, Syria, where he has been living since August. "I'm without home and without my family and without work and income and without (a) place to start a new life, and without country ... but I still try to find (a) chance to train (in) aikido."

Bay Area members of Aiki Extensions, a national organization, got to know Ahmed through their financial support of a training facility, called a dojo, in Baghdad.

Just buying mats for the dojo was a major help for Baghdad's aikido practitioners. The fundraiser being held today will benefit Ahmed and Aiki Extensions' projects in the Middle East and Ethiopia, where Ahmed lived for a few months after leaving Iraq.

In Ahmed, aikido masters recognized a kindred spirit who faces an uncertain future in Syria, where the government has told him he can remain only two more months.

A martial art that emphasizes defensive tactics, not offensive maneuvers, aikido requires concern for an enemy, along with exercises that are meditative.

"We're taking something that's violent - a punch or strike or knife - and we try to block it, receive it and redirect it, handling it in a nonviolent manner," Feder said. "We redirect the opponent's energy and bring it to a neutral position where, hopefully, both people stay safe. By protecting your opponent, you're saving his karma and yours."

Jamie Leno Zimron, a former Bay Area resident who directs Aiki Extensions' Mideast Aikido Peace Project, worked with Ahmed and five other Iraqis in April 2005, when they went to Cyprus for a weeklong aikido peace workshop that brought together practitioners from Israel and elsewhere.

For the first time in his life, Ahmed, who is in his mid-20s, not only met Jewish Israelis, but engaged with them in aikido and social functions. Palestinian aikido practitioners also attended the workshop, traveling there with their Israeli cohorts.

"I've frequently described what happened as a lovefest; it was astonishing," said Zimron, the younger sister of state Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco.

"In aikido and inside one dojo," Ahmed said, there are "no nations, no religions, no colors and no fanaticism."

But when Ahmed returned to Iraq from Cyprus, the sectarian bloodshed that has destabilized his country struck him and other aikido practitioners.

It's unclear if they were targeted because of the hatred some Sunnis and Shiites have for each other in Iraq or because they participated in a sport that led them to interact with Israelis.

Soon after his father's death, Ahmed left for Jordan, where he stayed for eight months until going to Awassa, Ethiopia, where Aiki Extensions has a dojo. Ahmed missed the culture of the Middle East, so he found a way to get to Syria.

He's grateful for the support he's gotten from aikido followers in the Bay Area and around the United States, where other upcoming fundraisers are also planned.

Zimron, who graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Stanford with a degree in political science, knows how sports can unite people whose leaders are at odds. After Cyprus, Zimron - who is Jewish and holds dual U.S.-Israel citizenship - worked with the Peres Center for Peace in Tel Aviv to help secure a dojo in East Jerusalem for Palestinian aikido practitioners. She has also taught aikido in Jordan.

Aikido, Zimron says, "is particularly suited for peace work. The founder of aikido said aikido is to make all human beings one family. It's known as the art of peace."

Online resources

For information on Aiki Extensions and today's event, go to the group's Web site:


Aikido fundraiser

A group of Bay Area aikido practitioners is holding a fundraising seminar and exhibition today to help an Iraqi refugee in Syria and its projects in the Middle East.

The event takes place from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 1352 South 49th St. in Richmond. The cost is $50-$75 on a sliding scale for seminar participants, free to those who want to watch.

E-mail Jonathan Curiel at jcuriel@sfchronicle.com.

This article appeared on page B - 1 of the San Francisco Chronicle

More coming...

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   | posted by Unknown @ 3/27/2008 02:00:00 PM



Date: Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 9:39 AM

As you may know from an email that Amanda Crowell sent out a while ago (thanks, Amanda), the Program on Public Leadership at the Kennedy School of Government gives the Gleitsman Citizen Activist Award every other year. $100,000 is awarded to an individual to recognize exceptional achievement of a leader/activist who has initiated social change and worked toward social justice, and whose selfless efforts have improved the quality of life in the US. I think there are many in our D&D community who deserve such recognition, and no one more than Sandy Heierbacher, without whom, we probably would not be connected to each other in a vibrant learning community; indeed, we probably wouldn't be identifying ourselves as part of one diverse but mutually supportive D and D community.

I have talked with the contact person at KSG about Sandy and have been encouraged to submit a letter of nomination, which I will do by the April 15th deadline. (Sandy was pleased to hear this, in her humble way!) Martha McCoy and Hal Saunders will write the two required letters of support. I'd like to include in the supplemental materials a document that says:

We, the undersigned members of the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation (NCDD), whole-heartedly support the nomination of Sandy Heierbacher, Founder and Director of NCDD, for the Gleitsman Citizen Activist Award.

If you would like to electronically sign this, please send an email with your name, organization, state and city to: nomination@publicconversations.org

Feel free to also send to the same address: 1) a few words about Sandy's leadership and/or 2) a testimonial about the impact that NCDD has had on your work and on the broader field. Even if the award doesn't come though, this will give us an opportunity to honor Sandy with our words and to offer her a lovely set of testimonials about NCDD that will be useful for other purposes.

Thanks for considering this request.

Maggie Herzig
Senior Associate, Public Conversations Project
Watertown, MA www.publicconversations.org Home Office: 781-862-4795

From: Brandon WilliamsCraig
Date: Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 1:55 PM
To: nomination@publicconversations.org

Sandy Heierbacher would be an ideal choice for the Gleitsman Citizen Activist Award. The exceptional achievement for which she deserves recognition is particularly in need of exposure because it reflects her often "under the radar" commitment to an emerging field that is also in need of widespread recognition and development. Dialogue and deliberation have been a part of the political landscape almost as far back as the written record itself, yet its social change and justice impacts fall away from public consciousness in an era wherein public service is being forcibly redefined as a politics of exclusion. Sandy's efforts are collaborative in scope and demonstrate singular leadership and vision at once, working directly to improve the quality of life in the US through the re-engagement of the populace in their own governance and co-creativity, in the case of the National Coalition of Dialogue and Deliberation through modeling the co-creation of one diverse but mutually supportive community capable both of acting in concert and of preserving the rights and unique contribution of each individual.

I ask that my name by included in the petition that begins
We, the undersigned members of the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation (NCDD), whole-heartedly support the nomination of Sandy Heierbacher, Founder and Director of NCDD, for the Gleitsman Citizen Activist Award.

Brandon WilliamsCraig
Association Building Community
Berkeley, CA

"'True peace is not the absence of tension, it is the presence of justice." Rev. Dr. MLK Jr.
Skype (510) 962-3921 bdwilliamscraig
Toll Free (866) 236-0346
   | posted by Unknown @ 3/27/2008 01:56:00 PM



In 2002 I was interviewed on my teaching technique by graduate students from UC Berkeley working on a project to create an artificial intelligence environment which is progressively feedback-capable of teaching a human being.


   | posted by Unknown @ 3/22/2008 06:31:00 PM



After careful and prayerful consideration,

I've decided to endorse Barack Obama publicly and unequivocally for President in 2008.

I have on more than one occasion advocated voting for parallel organizing (infrastructure that replaces the status quo through use rather than specifically reforming what exists from within) and third party candidates to build momentum for alternative, fully representative government.
Not this time.

I believe, like J.F.K., Barack consciously embodies what is required to step into the archetypal role necessary to re-energize the parts of the U.S. political identity most important at this time in history, namely the optimistic and fair-minded democratic populism that began with the Bill of Rights and Constitution and is the only authentic claim we have on a reason to exist as a nation.

We The People are unremarkable power-brokers and empire builders like every cabal that has gone before if we do not strive continually to build deep community and do conflict well among ourselves and with the rest of the world such that A More Perfect Union is always in progress at the level of our most fundamental infrastructure and policy. Obama will fall short, as certainly as Utopia is "no place", but I believe he will make his mistakes with integrity of purpose and in the context of relationship with a nation and world that is profoundly affected by the content and context of decisions made in the Oval Office.

I'll post materials for study and response here as I choose them.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 3/20/2008 12:33:00 PM



Stop The Spray

Any questions? Thanks, Foster and CASS!

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   | posted by Unknown @ 3/02/2008 04:59:00 PM



All original material here is Creative Commons License licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. All material not originated by the author is used in accordance with acceptable use practices governing public domain, academic study, and not-for-profit cultural development and critique. Any concerns about privacy or copyrights may be addressed by emails directed to public at bdwc dot net.

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