

brandon williamscraig  

After careful and prayerful consideration,

I've decided to endorse Barack Obama publicly and unequivocally for President in 2008.

I have on more than one occasion advocated voting for parallel organizing (infrastructure that replaces the status quo through use rather than specifically reforming what exists from within) and third party candidates to build momentum for alternative, fully representative government.
Not this time.

I believe, like J.F.K., Barack consciously embodies what is required to step into the archetypal role necessary to re-energize the parts of the U.S. political identity most important at this time in history, namely the optimistic and fair-minded democratic populism that began with the Bill of Rights and Constitution and is the only authentic claim we have on a reason to exist as a nation.

We The People are unremarkable power-brokers and empire builders like every cabal that has gone before if we do not strive continually to build deep community and do conflict well among ourselves and with the rest of the world such that A More Perfect Union is always in progress at the level of our most fundamental infrastructure and policy. Obama will fall short, as certainly as Utopia is "no place", but I believe he will make his mistakes with integrity of purpose and in the context of relationship with a nation and world that is profoundly affected by the content and context of decisions made in the Oval Office.

I'll post materials for study and response here as I choose them.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 3/20/2008 12:33:00 PM



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