

brandon williamscraig  

Brandon WilliamsCraig is co-founder of a San Francisco Bay Area not-beholden-to-profit organization called Association Building Community, an executive consultant, and certified mediator and community building facilitator.

Brandon's community building interactions geared for work with Boards are scalable and take specifically shaped forms:
  1. A three hour Associative Inquiry (sm) workshop in which the group's goals are set up for success through a thematic review of group history and identifying ongoing dynamics to create a shared vocabulary and process tool-set. This work is based on clarifying creative tensions between group roles, identity, and themes and will set the stage for working together by clarifying how the gravity of opposed ideas can pull an organization apart.
  2. A full day Working Group moving from an identity process similar to the AsIn workshop. This group uses the process tools created to spark shared creativity and lay the foundation of a platform for action.
  3. A two or three day Community Building retreat which goes deeper into inquiry and identity work each day but also builds shared expectations for testing and feedback over time and ends with both process and task related agreements specifically designed to create an envisioned future.

All decision-makers agree to the premises outlined herein and guarantee to be fully present. One no-show or unapproved departure while in process will result in an immediate transition to a brief and informal meeting for a closure in whatever way is of greatest benefit to the remaining participants.

Ongoing Context Agreement: an "already in process" framing into a "Three Act" format. The history of the group is Act One. Our work together must be understood as Act Two - the potentially tiring and difficult "middle ground" requiring experienced facilitation because it is of paramount importance to make an art of the process by caring about how we do what we do. The easily tapped energies of beginning and ending are out of sight for the moment. Act Three will be the follow-through after the work is complete and is entirely the responsibility of the group unless an ongoing service agreement has been reached in advance. Insisting on an authentic and thorough Act Two makes your project look less like Big Budget Explosions cinema with inflated beginnings and explosive surprises that benefit a very few... and more like resolving the tensions of natural human drama so that there can be a happy ending.

Unless the gathering is specifically a Class related workshop for a marginalized group, all funds are agreed upon up front, paid in advance, and not tied to outcome. Fees for serving organizations are based on a sliding scale beginning at $100/hr for people both serving a marginalized group and aligned with Association Building Community's goals. For organizations meeting neither criteria fees are loosely based on 1% of the served organization's gross budget and may include additional facilitators, printed materials, in-process training, and an ongoing web-enabled follow-through tracking process.

For example,

A three hour Inquiry Workshop would prepare you for taking truly effective steps toward shared success using the new tools at your disposal. These tools will help frame your vision-making process by addressing the completely natural and creative underlying tensions that result in misunderstandings and 'larger issues' that remain at least partly unconscious, interfere with work, and frustrate decision-making.

Since you are aware of the danger of scattering your energies, losing focus, slowing down to the point that nothing gets done, I hope you will deliberately learn these new language and method tools together, and then practice them. Then I hope you will move vigorously into Chapter 3 with the goal of becoming an even more effective team by creating a powerful common vision and a time line of purpose.

Chapter 2 possible date? Let me know several preferences by email to brandon at processarts.net

Sliding scale does not including travel expenses which remain to be negotiated.

Warm regards,

Brandon WilliamsCraig

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   | posted by Unknown @ 2/06/2002 12:41:00 AM



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