

brandon williamscraig  

I'd like to think so.
You decide (and comment).
   | posted by Unknown @ 5/20/2008 02:05:00 PM



What's/Why a wiki?

John Abbe, as is often the case, says it well.

"we (RecentChanges Camp) welcome and engage folks who may not be geeks, but are active in community, activism, collaboration, bottom-up organizing, and other offline activities that share the spirit of the wiki way. Of course it helps if they're curious about what's alive in the tech world and how it can serve them and their work/play."

Wiki's are all over because of the wiki way. It is the way (process ethic) of wiki that is the thing.
   | posted by Unknown @ 5/08/2008 04:13:00 PM



I'm thinking more about making this blog an updating index of my writing in various other places, in addition to a place to report on personal developments, so a bird's-eye view of current events is possible.

On the ABC website (newly transitioned to a participatory wiki) I just added work connecting Huston Smith to the new X-files movie and further explaining my choice of graduate degree, as well as reporting on the United Methodist Church's General Conference in terms of ideological extremity.

Remember that argument I make that psychology is so inextricably wound up in our cultural ideas that even advertising geared for the widest audience builds its particular consumer culture based in a psychological imagination ?
Ever heard of the Oedipus Complex?
Check out http://www.ffk-wilkinson.com/

   | posted by Unknown @ 5/08/2008 01:22:00 PM



More from UMC General Conference 2008

Please feel free to visit the General Conference site. I haven't transfered my complete video of the protest - action yet but will as soon as I may. It isn't ideal because I filmed from on the floor (as part of everything) and got everybody walking in and out again, but the middle doesn't reveal much.
It's a hard time here and we're all pretty freakin' tired.
And we're doing a pretty good job supporting each other.
And I perched on the shoulders (almost literally) of the two primary, radical paternalism operatives near our section for several hours, which frustrated their attempts at covert communication and was pretty satisfying. Got lots of pictures for my own education documenting who talks to whom so I have a better idea how their energies flow.
And we have so little counter-subversion infrastructure that any coordinated strategy that might include their tactics is almost impossible. We SO need an ongoing justice-action group that works together at a professional level year 'round and is very prepared for GC.
And there are wonderful, heart-overflowing, faithful and trusting people all around.
And we've eaten WAY too many free cookies.


P.S. And BOY am I'm going to sleep when we get back. And eat a huge bowl of salad for every meal for a week.

A more full report will appear here and inside the Epworth wiki when I have a moment to write it.

For now - images...

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   | posted by Unknown @ 5/01/2008 07:01:00 PM



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