

brandon williamscraig  

I'm thinking more about making this blog an updating index of my writing in various other places, in addition to a place to report on personal developments, so a bird's-eye view of current events is possible.

On the ABC website (newly transitioned to a participatory wiki) I just added work connecting Huston Smith to the new X-files movie and further explaining my choice of graduate degree, as well as reporting on the United Methodist Church's General Conference in terms of ideological extremity.

Remember that argument I make that psychology is so inextricably wound up in our cultural ideas that even advertising geared for the widest audience builds its particular consumer culture based in a psychological imagination ?
Ever heard of the Oedipus Complex?
Check out http://www.ffk-wilkinson.com/

   | posted by Unknown @ 5/08/2008 01:22:00 PM



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