

brandon williamscraig  

Universal Edit Button
Thanks to John Abbe for this n Thu Jun 19 12:10:43 2008o

Part of what makes the InterNet so exciting is that it lowers the barriers of cost and convenience for people to speak up and be heard, and that it allows people to interact so flexibly across space and time. The Universal Edit Button contributes to both of these by building your ability to edit right into your web browser. Any page that has editable content can add a bit of code in the HTML header, and if you have the Firefox plug-in installed, you'll see a little edit icon at the right of your address bar. For details on how to do this, and/or get involved with the community developing and spreading it, see the UEB Community Portal. In the long run we expect it to be built in by default in all web browsers.

(The idea came up at this year's RecentChangesCamp in Palo Alto - which was great fun yet again, and i facilitated OpenSpace for the first time! Actually co-facilitated with Jeff Aitken, which of course made it that much more fun.)

Many others writing about it

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   | posted by Unknown @ 6/20/2008 12:41:00 PM



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