Being In Movement
I'm in Columbus, OH working with Paul Linden Sensei while writing (dissertation) and working (Aiki Extensions). My schedule may be found through (if we share a group there) or through my website, by clicking on "Calendar".As I write this I am sitting in Cup O' Joe - Clintonville [2990 N High St Columbus, OH 43202 (614) 447-7563], listening to a Thomas Moore interview (free at New Dimensions for this week), as well as some excellent music at I am more than happy to recommend all three.
Some things I am working on with Paul:
What is the difference between a timing lag and the timing delay of a whipping motion native to so many martial techniques? To understand this better and more consistently create the effect I want I'm paying attention to how my focus (specifically my conscious purpose and eyes) aren't always "identical"/tracking with my movement but dissociate in some way. Occasionally, behaviors which can be fine, conscious, tactical choices arise from habits based at some level in fear. The dilemma presents in the both unconscious and unhelpful part of the process rather than in simply refining by repetition the conscious applications. This is not Wrong except when movement patterns reflect something I do without being aware of it or in a way that imbalances me accidentally. Like most dilemmas of this sort the question is not simply am I doing an unhelpful thing but, always, how much does it apply in a given moment of consideration.
more on this to come...
Hopefully Unrelated: Please check out
Cinderella, others arrested in Disneyland labor protest
ANAHEIM, California (AP) | posted by Unknown @ 8/27/2008 01:39:00 PM