

brandon williamscraig  

Brandon's Nov 2008 Voters Guide

Obama-Biden (Co-chief Dogcatcher)
Barbara Lee (US House Cong Dist 9)
Loni Hancock (CA Senate Dist 9)
Nancy Skinner (CA Assembly Dist 14)
Dennis Hayashi (SupCourt Judge Office 9)
Tom Bates (Berkeley Mayor)
Jesse Arreguin (City Council Dist 4)
Rogers, Harrison, Drake, Tregub, Townley (Rent Stab Comms)
Selawsky (School Dir)
Peeples (AC Tras Dist Dir AtL)
La Force (EBRegParkDistDirWd1)

1Ayes, 2y, 3n, 4n, 5y, 6n, 7n, 8n, 9n, 10n, 11n, 12y,
FFy, GGy, HHy, IIy, JJy, KKn, LLn, VVy, WWy

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   | posted by Unknown @ 10/30/2008 04:50:00 PM



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