

brandon williamscraig  

On Marriage and Justice
from a good friend of mine who knows whereof she speaks

Hello all,

I have to add my voice to the No on 8 campaign in this election. Please consider this - especially if you are heterosexual:

How would it feel if you were married, your church community and family celebrated that marriage, but two months later the state sent you a letter annulling your marriage?

How would you feel if your spouse of twenty three years died and, in front of you, the hospital staff turned to her parents as the next of kin to ask about burial plans?

How would you feel if, after her death, you called the insurance company and were told you were not considered an eligible beneficiary to your spouse's/partner's insurance policy?

How would you feel if you found out that you are not eligible for the pension your spouse created through years of hard work - because of a state or federal law?

How would you feel if you received NO social security benefits from the feds when your spouse died?

All of these things happened to me. Even though Mary and I were registered domestic partners! Separate is not equal.

Luckily, the union Mary worked for had sense of justice enough to CHANGE their by-laws to retroactively give me spousal benefits. The State Teacher's Retirement System did not do the same.

No on Proposition 8 is about equality under the law. It is not about religion. It is not about education. It is about justice.

The campaign is very close - all it takes is 50% plus one vote to change the constitution of our state
- and the rest of the nation is looking at what we do here. Regardless of what happens in Tuesday's vote, I will not be eligible for Mary's social security benefits because that falls under federal law...but defeating this proposition is the biggest single step we can take toward the day when federal law also changes and equality is reality for same-sex couples.

I've never given to a political campaign before - and I am giving a second time this year (or is it third?). I hate that we have to spend so much money to assure equal rights - but that is the reality of politics in the 21st century.

If you have the wherewithal to give - the link is below. If you don't - please do what you can to urge others to vote NO ON 8. If you have already voted - good for you. Go to Equality California to donate:


I'm attaching (link below -ed.) one item. It is a detailed refutation of the lies being spread by the Yes on 8 campaign - written by a Mormon lawyer who is unhappy with his church's involvement in the lies. Food for thought. http://www.noonprop8.com/downloads/Thurston-Memo.pdf

I'm sending this email to most of my current email list - in and outside of California - because what's happening here affects us all. If you got this far - thanks for reading!

love and peace,


PS - feel free to send my message on to others - esp. California voters

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   | posted by Unknown @ 10/31/2008 10:08:00 AM



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