

brandon williamscraig  

No on 8

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Doris Bittar
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 10:25:29 -0800
Subject: Letter to Arab Community Regarding Proposition 8
Dear Friends,

I wanted to share with you a letter I wrote that the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee of San Diego sent to the San Diego Arab American community regarding Proposition 8. Prop. 8 is the initiative that takes the right to get married away from those who want to enjoy the benefits and dignity of marriage, because they are of the same sex. If you would like to share this with other Californians or other interested parties, please do so.



No on Proposition 8

Dear Fellow Arab Americans,

Proposition 8 is an initiative proposed to the California state constitution. It would eliminate the fundamental right of marriage for same-sex couples in California. Equal treatment under the law is a basic American value and is at the heart of what Arab Americans value, too. As Arab Americans, we understand the deceptive fog of ignorance. The real possibility of our civil rights leaders being arrested immediately following 9-11 almost occurred. At that time many Californians stood with us, among them were brothers and sisters in the gay community. Our culture tends not to discuss these issues openly. Yet, within our own families, men and women suffer, often silently from lack of love and understanding because of our discomfort.

Never before in the State of California has the ballot been used to single out a group of tax-paying, law-abiding Americans and exclude them from their constitutionally-provided basic rights. The constitution guarantees every Californian equal treatment and equal rights. This proposition treats long-term, committed, same-sex couples differently, and that is wrong because we personally know how that eats at the fabric of communities who are misunderstood.

Regardless of how you personally feel about marriage for same-sex couples, most believe that government has no business telling people who can and cannot get married, and people should not be singled out for unfair treatment under the laws of our state. Those committed and loving couples who want to accept the responsibility of with marriage should be treated like everyone else.

Please join us, the governor, and the mayors of San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego and VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 8 in November. We are all interconnected and Arab Americans understand that valuing each person is how we keep our families strong and insures that all of our children are nurtured toward meaningful lives where they can reach their highest aspirations.

Doris Bittar
San Diego

Visit Doris Bittar's Web Site

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   | posted by Unknown @ 11/04/2008 08:49:00 AM



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