

brandon williamscraig  

Prop 8 is a Civil Rights issue

from Facebook: Brandon joined the groups 1,000,000 Strong to Overturn Prop 8 11:10pm
Nelson Udstuen at 8:42am November 6
Should we sign a petition every time the will of the people speak? Time to move on.

Brandon Hussein WilliamsCraig at 11:26am November 6
If a consortium of out-of-state partisans poured cash into Texas to give the government power strip you of judicially affirmed rights that all your neighbor's enjoy, in this case marrying whomever you like, you can bet your ass I would stand up with you and your children (who are beautiful, by the way) as long as it takes. Should a Christian supporter of this move tell me it's time to move on, in order to make clear the direction in which we should go together, I would refer them to the Gospel which calls on every human being to create justice with the hands of love, putting aside fear and all other powers. Thanks for asking!

Nelson Udstuen at 12:24pm November 6
This is not a moral issue, although I have a strong opinion.
When I say time to move on I mean:
In 2000, voters passed with 61% of the vote, Proposition 22, which added a section to the California Family Code to formally define marriage in California as a union between a man and a woman. In order to qualify for the ballot, Proposition 8 needed ... Read More694,354 valid petition signatures. The initiative proponents submitted 1,120,801 signatures.
Tuesday voters passed with 52.5% of the vote, Prop 8, which amended the California constitution to eliminate the 4-3 Supreme Court ruling that Prop 22 violated equal protection.
When a free and fair election determines my elected officials I may not like the results, but I respect the will of the people. I don't always get everything I want, even if I deem it to be of the utmost importance. California needs to get its shit sorted out. For such progressive state, it can't seem to reconcile the will of the majority with the will of a vocal minority.

Brandon Hussein WilliamsCraig at 5:09pm November 6
This IS a moral issue about deciding for other citizens whom they should love and with whom they should create families, which is not the government's business. As such it is irreducible to the narrow percentage victory of a numerical majority. Hundreds of thousands of voters in the United States continually assured the disenfranchisement and exploitation of minorities, including women and people of color (making it illegal to marry, for example). The fact that that vocal "majority" wasn't ready quite yet to lift the yoke of oppression from the necks of their brothers and sisters did not make their voting block ethically legitimate. Majorities have often chosen to oppress minorities in free and fair elections. Our obligation as citizens and as Christians is to stand against cruelty wherever it appears and not hide behind an electoral process when it fails to produce justice.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 11/06/2008 11:28:00 AM



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