

brandon williamscraig  

My work in the world involves three paths:
  1. practicing group facilitation in order to build sustainable communities wherever there is an opportunity (neighbors, non-profits, service clubs, intentional communities, religious groups, businesses, etc.). Professionally, I use variations of the phrase "doing conflict well" in consulting gigs, and aikido is one of my favorite somatic metaphors for learning that process. I use various names for the methods I teach, most of which are clarified at bdwc.net under "Big Ideas."
  2. proposing to other facilitators that we identify as a field of study and community of practice so we may have a collective impact, of which consequent generations may be proud, on peace-making worldwide.
  3. treating the larger culture as a community in the making, as though a global, communitarian mythology were being constructed that is psychologically mature and designed to opt out of fundamentalisms.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 4/22/2009 09:00:00 AM



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