

brandon williamscraig  

Since Lisa father, Joe Strykowski, arrived for a visit we've:

Hung out at home and swapped stories, shared great food, and watched good movies,

gone to the Point Reyes Lighthouse,

taken the ferry from The City (Oakland) to the West Bay (San Francisco)

and, in general, had a wonderful time playing together.

Tomorrow is church and lunch at La Note

and there is more adventure on the horizon...

   | posted by Unknown @ 3/19/2006 12:09:00 AM



Aidan is in the midst of his second period of feeling poopy (in the sense if a bit ill rather than filling his diaper). His first was a cold he had during Thanksgiving 2005. This one is (in my opinion) a bit more distressing to him, as he seems to hate the feeling of not being able to breathe through his nose and being snotty all the time. Go figure. I hate that too.

Lisa is on the rising end of feeling sick and I have fought it all along, so that I still feed tired and a bit under the weather but haven't needed to slow down much.

Crossing my fingers, eating, sleeping, and taking my vitamins...
   | posted by Unknown @ 3/15/2006 12:59:00 PM



Last Saturday we had the pleasure of dining with Clare Doyle and Naomi and Mikaela Keepin (my brother-in-law, Isaiah's, mom and sisters) while Clare was here visiting. The food was vunderbar, the company was even better and all were had by fun.

We look forward to more time to spend with Aidan's East Coast Grandma and Aunts when we go to Vermont in June to meet Meghan and Isaiah's new addition (Go, Bo Wiggley!) . OK, they're not technically Grandma and Aunts but are no less wise and loving and fit generationally in those roles. English has no special terms for a sibling's spouse's family. French and Spanish do so much better with those specifics (like suegros for parents-in-law, and cuñados for siblings-in-law).

Also in the news, his Auntie Mame attended callback auditions for Marin Shakespeare today. We hope they will have the good sense and surpassing good taste to hire her promptly.
Go, Nicole (not pictured here this time)!
   | posted by Unknown @ 3/12/2006 12:36:00 AM



A picture of the beloved sis dancing Samba down Church St. in front of Sambatucada during the jazz fest last June.

Hat by Jan Wright (our maternal Aunt) - obtained in Granbury, Texas.

Go, Meg!
   | posted by Unknown @ 3/09/2006 11:00:00 PM



King of the Knuckle-suckin' Toe Munchers!

His majesty shared an entire four or five paragraph (it's still a bit hard to tell) dissertation on some extremely important material today. Man! I wish I spoke more Babish.
   | posted by Unknown @ 3/09/2006 10:11:00 PM



Congratulations to Richard and Raphael, who took their 5th kyu tests at the dojo tonight, Leslie who took 4th kyu, and Sierra who took 3rd kyu! All were excellent examples of technique at their level and performed with dynamism, consistency, and more than a little natural beauty. All in all a pleasure to watch. I'll try to put the order in which Sensei called the techniques on the member area of our website. I may even send some of my comments as personal messages there, but no promises. The comments are better in person on the mat anyway.

Recent Aidan milestones:
  • on Tuesday last he grabbed a particularly spiffy rattle and percussed, whacking it on the ground over and over in good rhythm. He already performed that trick for his mother last week when she was on the phone with the PMIL (Pefect Mother-in-law) and was giving less attention than he would have preferred. He grabbed his pacifier and, when hitting her with it personally failed to satisfy, shifted to the much more resonant VHS tape boxes nearby.
  • he is rolling over on his own - easily from front to back but very seldom from back to front. Much pushing up to full extension but no locomotion thus far. The leg strength is definitely there for crawling but the idea of coordinating the strong arms and stronger legs hasn't hit home yet. He spends time every day on his belly but not enough to bridge the frustration gap by moving through it instead of eventually wailing.
  • today he was in his kitchen swing very near one of our new dining table chairs. Each time the swing swung forward he would tip the chair with his outstretched feet until it almost toppled, but for Iris' quickness.
  • he expresses a wider variety of sounds ever day
  • he smiles less as an automatic mirroring and studies me more, fixating on the lapel of the fleece I am wearing and the texture of the edging fabric as opposed to the fleece itself.

Our taxes are filed, thanks to the intrepid Lisa and helpful Marilyn, and we're getting a bit of money back this year for the first time! Wahoo!

Still feeling profoundly grateful for George Lakey and company.
   | posted by Unknown @ 3/03/2006 11:52:00 PM



A favorite photo of The Boy.
After recording the tribute to Marion Woodman, I sent Tuesday night through Sunday night (9am-9pm each day) in the last Advanced Training for Social Action Trainers before George Lakey retires. Fabulous group of participants. Wonderful training. I highly recommend any Training For Change event.

Away from home for too long, all things considered. Worried about how far behind I feel in the dissertation and about the pressure and stress in our lives (all three of us) on a daily basis. In this forum it is obviously impossible to go much deeper into the layers of feeling, distress, and hope. Quite a few people in our immediate world seem to be struggling with depression and other potentially overwhelming life-stuff at this time in the cycles of up and down. I don't feel stuck or depressed, just profoundly challenged and really appreciative of your reading this and any prayers/supportive thoughts headed in our direction. No recommendations or helpful interventions required, just solid accompanying energy whenever it is available.

Appreciating You,

   | posted by Unknown @ 3/02/2006 09:28:00 AM



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