

brandon williamscraig  

No steady half-time job yet, though I'm grateful to Huston Smith and Kayla Feder for their recommendations. I'm also grateful to Iris McGinnis for In-Home Support work, Jim Shultz for informal pick-up work improving his properties, and Richard Page for conference recording work. We were just in D.C. recording the hugely important information being lectured on at International Forum on Globalization where I learned from Ann Leonard about her new 20 minute film that is the best quick and clear outline of the Triple Crisis (Climate change, peak oil, global resource depletion & extinction) I've ever seen. It will be streamed in about a month and I'll send out a link when I have one. I got around six hours of time-zone crunched sleep a night and, upon returning, was stupid enough to not only work every day but stay up nights to try to get the new apartment ready for my birthday gathering. For me no sleep = sick.

Friday I had finished helping Huston and Kendra Smith for the day, then gave more computer help and had lunch and process time with Leon Regelson. Continuing to feel profoundly under the weather, I returned home and parked just around the corner from our apartment before calling Kayla Sensei at Aikido of Berkeley and asking for someone else to teach my Saturday morning class, as I would be in bed all day.

After being in bed most of yesterday I discovered a huge bank disaster. I decided a bit of a walk might help and stumbled out of the door with the dog to find that Serenity, our van and walkabout home, had been stolen off the street. Our neighbor heard it start up and watched it drive away a couple of hours after I parked it. It took Officer Golden of the Berkeley P.D. longer to show up to take the report because of two homicides.
There appears to be a chance the vehicle might be recovered. It might even have some or all of the stuff in it we had loaded to go to storage: the photos from our wedding and of our family, the silver heirloom pitcher given to Lisa as a wedding gift by my grandmother Martha Craig just before she died, the hakama given me as a present by the dojo, and so much more.

Today would have been Aidan's 2nd birthday.
I have spent it mostly as planned: alone, either enraged or watering the Wasteland or both, working on Aidan related recordings, photos, and videos I have been avoiding. I'll try to post some of it online soon, in case you are interested.

Being one of The Good Guys doesn't mean you win.
Sorry to ruin the suspense, if there still was any.
It just means that you don't have to avoid mirrors.

Not asking for anything - just needing to write.
Really tired of writing stuff like this.
Even more tired of living it.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 9/23/2007 10:11:00 PM



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