

brandon williamscraig  

Dec 12th marks Aidan's Death and Dec 19th the ritual that followed. Here comes the week of descent.

Wed 19th falls on the Jewish Fast of 10th Tevet. The Wikipedian oracle reads:

"The text in II Kings (25:1-4) tells us that on the 10th day of the 10th month, in the ninth year of his reign, (588 BCE), Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian king, began the siege of Jerusalem. Three years later, on the 17th of Tammuz, he broke through the city walls. The siege ended with the destruction of the Temple three weeks later, on the 9th of Av, the end of the first Kingdoms and the exile of the Jewish people to Babylon."

We've been under siege for a year now. I'd love to get around this lasting two more years if possible. The sun still shines as brightly or the rain falls in its time. Still the walls get broken through and exiles begin, or not. I'd love to come home to my vocation in a place that values building community and working well with conflict. I feel in exile. So I write and write and write and write and

What else?

I believe in the danger and ubiquity of creeds.
Here is mine.
This is what passes for philosophy in my life.
Purpose is in the unfolding process of imagining a better way of being and then projecting it faithfully.
Reality is in the ongoing process of living ways of imagining through projection.
Suffering is in the continuous process of slowly realizing ways of being imagined through life.
Joy is in and on purpose, or it isn't. (start again)

At the level of identity I am Under Six Feet and Tall Enough to Reach the Records. On the other hand I am Big but not quite big Enough.
Under six-feet and "six feet under" are related...................(click on "Life's Too Short " if you are not Lisa)
Tall Enough is a prophecy. Big Enough isn't.
I'll say more of what I mean by this later, if there is a later, on my wiki.

I might put more here soon.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 12/11/2007 03:00:00 PM



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