

brandon williamscraig  

On Marriage and Justice
from a good friend of mine who knows whereof she speaks

Hello all,

I have to add my voice to the No on 8 campaign in this election. Please consider this - especially if you are heterosexual:

How would it feel if you were married, your church community and family celebrated that marriage, but two months later the state sent you a letter annulling your marriage?

How would you feel if your spouse of twenty three years died and, in front of you, the hospital staff turned to her parents as the next of kin to ask about burial plans?

How would you feel if, after her death, you called the insurance company and were told you were not considered an eligible beneficiary to your spouse's/partner's insurance policy?

How would you feel if you found out that you are not eligible for the pension your spouse created through years of hard work - because of a state or federal law?

How would you feel if you received NO social security benefits from the feds when your spouse died?

All of these things happened to me. Even though Mary and I were registered domestic partners! Separate is not equal.

Luckily, the union Mary worked for had sense of justice enough to CHANGE their by-laws to retroactively give me spousal benefits. The State Teacher's Retirement System did not do the same.

No on Proposition 8 is about equality under the law. It is not about religion. It is not about education. It is about justice.

The campaign is very close - all it takes is 50% plus one vote to change the constitution of our state
- and the rest of the nation is looking at what we do here. Regardless of what happens in Tuesday's vote, I will not be eligible for Mary's social security benefits because that falls under federal law...but defeating this proposition is the biggest single step we can take toward the day when federal law also changes and equality is reality for same-sex couples.

I've never given to a political campaign before - and I am giving a second time this year (or is it third?). I hate that we have to spend so much money to assure equal rights - but that is the reality of politics in the 21st century.

If you have the wherewithal to give - the link is below. If you don't - please do what you can to urge others to vote NO ON 8. If you have already voted - good for you. Go to Equality California to donate:


I'm attaching (link below -ed.) one item. It is a detailed refutation of the lies being spread by the Yes on 8 campaign - written by a Mormon lawyer who is unhappy with his church's involvement in the lies. Food for thought. http://www.noonprop8.com/downloads/Thurston-Memo.pdf

I'm sending this email to most of my current email list - in and outside of California - because what's happening here affects us all. If you got this far - thanks for reading!

love and peace,


PS - feel free to send my message on to others - esp. California voters

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   | posted by Unknown @ 10/31/2008 10:08:00 AM



Brandon's Nov 2008 Voters Guide

Obama-Biden (Co-chief Dogcatcher)
Barbara Lee (US House Cong Dist 9)
Loni Hancock (CA Senate Dist 9)
Nancy Skinner (CA Assembly Dist 14)
Dennis Hayashi (SupCourt Judge Office 9)
Tom Bates (Berkeley Mayor)
Jesse Arreguin (City Council Dist 4)
Rogers, Harrison, Drake, Tregub, Townley (Rent Stab Comms)
Selawsky (School Dir)
Peeples (AC Tras Dist Dir AtL)
La Force (EBRegParkDistDirWd1)

1Ayes, 2y, 3n, 4n, 5y, 6n, 7n, 8n, 9n, 10n, 11n, 12y,
FFy, GGy, HHy, IIy, JJy, KKn, LLn, VVy, WWy

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   | posted by Unknown @ 10/30/2008 04:50:00 PM



Dell & DHL: A Halloween Horror Story and Morality Tale All In One,
or How to Screw Your Customer Without Even Trying

I like Dell laptops best. They almost always have the features I need in products that are not the absolutely most expensive possible. Hereafter, I'll work harder to find what I need elsewhere because, in short, like many Too Big vendors, they can't help but screw me. They outsource their "customer service" to somewhere every single rep reads a script in a thick foreign accent (foreign not a problem - outsourcing a BIG problem). They don't respond directly to any of my questions but just take the next step, even if irrelevant, in their instructions.

I depend absolutely on my laptop to direct an international peace organization called Aiki Extensions. On Oct 21, to leap a total IT meltdown I ordered a Dell refurbished (i.e. no assembly required) laptop via emergency "next day" ship. Oct 29 I'm still waiting & screaming inside as they try to weasel out. Turns out DHL had a "handling delay" that could have involved a "scanning error" and won't release it to me from their facility a few blocks from me until Dell gives them instructions to do so. A DHL rep insisted that she would have Jennifer from the Service Center Earhart Rd call me directly on my cel. Still waiting for her call. Dell insists they cannot legally instruct the carrier to allow me to pick it up until there has been a first delivery attempt. So here I sit, still stuck, with the laptop blocks away, and having to cancel appointments yet again to be home for the delivery attempt.

Turns out DHL happens to everybody http://www.yelp.com/biz/dhl-oakland#

I'm updating this on Oct 30th after receiving the new laptop, which is mostly fine. The DHL driver allowed as how the entire business is royally screwed, has gone downhill since the buy-out of Airborne with one horribly inept decision after another and no idea how to keep local business working, is big/rich enough to buy both FedEx and UPS, and has decided to screw and drop their small parcel accounts in favor of going entirely international.

Tell your friends Dell Customer Support isn't and DHL is not your strong choice.

This post's URL is http://ferventideology.blogspot.com/2008/10/dell-halloween-horror-story-and.html

---------- message ----------
From: Brandon WilliamsCraig
Date: Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: Dell Support Request: Shipping/Shipper Issue #kptx# (KMM88208024I57L0KM)
To: US_CAG_Customer_Care

I called three separate times for a total hold time of 34 minutes and 10 of communication.

The first agent asked how they could help, listened to my needs, and forwarded me to another agent who claimed to be unable to help and gave me the number of a different department to call.

I did so and got exactly the same menu of options, got back to the same hub operator who did exactly the same thing with exactly the same result, only I asked for the destination number and that they remain on the line. They agreed.

They did not stay on the line and I got exactly the same menu of options back to the same hub operator who did almost exactly the same thing until I insisted they clarify the department to which they were sending me. Then I ended up on a fifteen minute hold to get Credit Card Service Order Verification Dept, the representative of which informed me there were no problems but that my order was on hold for approval. I asked "approval of what?" He said orders need approval and that he would continue this order. I asked why this is necessary and when the order would ship, since my order requires no assembly and I paid for Next Business Day (order late 10/21, ship 10/22, arrive 10/23). He then said he couldn't help further and that I should call Customer Service and, no, he couldn't stay on the line.

Is is necessary to state for the record that this is unsatisfactory and infuriating?

If my PC can arrive tomorrow, you may charge me Next Day shipping. If it cannot, downgrade the cost to whatever is the truth and issue a refund for the difference. If it will arrive next week some time cancel all related parts of this order (I want to see nothing in my post box and no charges on my card) and send confirmation. Please respond immediately and correct your ordering process so it is not misleading.

---------- message ----------
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 6:29 AM, US_CAG_Customer_Care wrote:
Dear Brandon Williams Craig,

Thank you for contacting Dell Online Customer Care.

Your order cannot be shipped until it is built to your specifications in the factory. The Next Business Day timeframe does not include the build and assembly time. Next Business Day delivery (NBD) is calculated from the date the order ships from the factory. This information is also provided to our customers who order online at checkout.

The most current estimated delivery date for your order number 503547089 is 10/27/2008.


Prateek Murgai
Rep ID 169038
Dell Online Customer Care

---------- message ----------
From: Brandon WilliamsCraig
Date: Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: Dell Support Request: Shipping/Shipper Issue #kptx# (KMM88296354I57L0KM)
To: US_CAG_Customer_Care

I did not respond to your email because you obviously hadn't read the issue, which made it clear that my order did not require build and assembly time, but I also failed to respond until now because your dismissal of my need arrived after Dell notified me that my purchase had been shipped.

Unfortunately, the issue continues, as Dell emailed

2. About available shipping methods
We offer three ways to ship your order. The shipping method that you choose determines how long it takes for the order to be delivered after it's been picked up by the carrier. The different shipping methods are described below. Business days are Monday to Friday.
- Next Business Day Delivery: The order will be delivered on the next business day after it's been picked up by the carrier.

and DHL shows the following

Current status
Depart Facility
Get notified Receive an email or text message (SMS) on status changes for this shipment
Estimated Delivery Date: 10/24/2008
Tracking history... Help
Date and time Status Location Service Area
10/24/2008 5:00 am Depart Facility Wilmington, OH
12:49 am Processed at DHL Location. Wilmington, OH
10/23/2008 11:55 pm In transit. Wilmington, OH
12:01 am Picked Up by DHL.
Shipment details... Help
Shipment information
La Vergne, TN 37086
United States
Berkeley, CA 94704
United States
Ship date: 10/23/2008
Pieces: 1
Total weight: 11 lbs Note on weight
Ship type: Package

Shipment reference: 503547089
Service: Next Day 3:00More info
Special Service(s):
- Signature Preferred What is this?
Track new shipment Track new shipment
Tracking detail provided by DHL: 10/27/2008, 2:21:34 pm pt.

Just to be sure there would be no room for discussion I called DHL, asked how an order shipped "Next Day 3:00" on the 23rd could be missing on the 27th, and they referred me back to you to file a claim with them.

I depend on IT for my livelihood and have had reason to rely on Dell in the past. Though the account is listed as individual I do all my buying for our local and international non-profits through it.
  1. refund my entire shipping cost
  2. put the machine I purchased or a new equivalent in my hands yesterday or sooner
  3. respond immediately to let me know this will not continue to be a concern and outline the steps you have taken

---------- message ----------
From: US_CAG_Customer_Care
Date: Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 5:03 AM
Subject: Re: Dell Support Request: Shipping/Shipper Issue #kptx# (KMM88688705I57L0KM)
To: Brandon WilliamsCraig

Dear Brandon Williams Craig,

Thank you for contacting Dell Online Customer Care.

Please verify the old shipping address for security reasons and also confirm the shipping address where you want the replacement to be delivered.


Prateek Murgai
Rep ID 169038
Dell Online Customer Care

---------- message ----------
From: Brandon WilliamsCraig
Date: Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: Dell Support Request: Shipping/Shipper Issue #kptx# (KMM88688705I57L0KM)
To: US_CAG_Customer_Care

I respond assuming you either already have or will promptly refund my entire shipping cost. Please reply to confirm this.
Requiring needless verification through email delayed this process yet another day. The previous shipping address is where the replacement should be delivered.
[address was here]
Please call my mobile number [was here] if anything further seems required that might delay shipping.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: US_CAG_Customer_Care
Date: Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: Dell Support Request: Shipping/Shipper Issue #kptx# (KMM88820635I57L0KM)
To: Brandon WilliamsCraig

Dear Brandon Williams Craig,

Thank you for contacting Dell Online Customer Care.

I contacted DHL and was informed that the package is at DHL facility in Oakland. They do not have the updated delivery information. I would request you to contact DHL post 24 hours for information.


Vandana Kaushal
Rep ID: 01169036
Dell Online Customer Care

Current status
Arrived at DHL facility.
Get notified Receive an email or text message (SMS) on status changes for this shipment
Estimated Delivery Date: 10/24/2008
Tracking history... Help
Date and time Status Location Service Area
10/28/2008 8:11 am Arrived at DHL facility. Oakland, CA
10/24/2008 5:00 am Depart Facility Wilmington, OH
12:49 am Processed at DHL Location. Wilmington, OH
10/23/2008 11:55 pm In transit. Wilmington, OH
12:01 am Picked Up by DHL.
Shipment details... Help
Shipment information
La Vergne, TN 37086
United States
Berkeley, CA 94704
United States
Ship date: 10/23/2008
Pieces: 1
Total weight: 11 lbs Note on weight
Ship type: Package

Shipment reference: 503547089
Service: Next Day 3:00More info
Special Service(s):
- Signature Preferred What is this?
Track new shipment Track new shipment
Tracking detail provided by DHL: 10/29/2008, 12:37:05 pm pt.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 10/29/2008 12:17:00 PM



All original material here is Creative Commons License licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. All material not originated by the author is used in accordance with acceptable use practices governing public domain, academic study, and not-for-profit cultural development and critique. Any concerns about privacy or copyrights may be addressed by emails directed to public at bdwc dot net.

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