

brandon williamscraig  

It was rather difficult to watch as Deborah (le midwife) punctured Aidan's heel to draw blood for his mandatory infant screening. There was some infant screaming and then lots of breast to draw his attention, but its was hard on his parents as well. It is hard to suppress the That Will Be All reaction to seeing one's babe jabbed. Most of this evening he spent on my lap just rocking back and forth. I'm smitten.
The upside to the violence was learning that he coagulates so fast the blood was hard to gather. The further downside was the need for a second jab to finish the job. Good grief.

Particularly appreciating the enthusiastic love coming Aidan's way from his most wonderful Aunts Nicole and Meghan.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/30/2005 09:31:00 PM



'Nuf said.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/30/2005 05:18:00 PM



Feeling zonked and elated at once. Grandma Heidi and GrGma Marcia have gone home (missing them already) and Grandpaula and Meghan remain (until Friday and Sunday respectively), and Isaiah arrived yesterday (hooray!). Things are becoming less of a production (photo-ops and take-out have declined) and more of a relaxed hang-out in the time before everyone has departed on Sunday.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/29/2005 10:49:00 AM



I am amazed and grateful for the wonderful emails and calls we've received. This is the most wonderful series of days in my experience to date.

Aidan's Auntie Mame (Nicole) arrived today with gifts and, in her inimitable style, welcomed the new dude who is already working hard to steal her heart.

All is well, I still can't believe, at some level, that everything can continue to be without unusual difficulty of any kind.

Feeling profoundly blessed and just sitting for hours in our (Aidan's and my) favorite chair by the sunny window in our bedroom. I didn't need to sit for prayer this morning because he is all the meditation I require on how grateful I am to have opened my eyes and taken breath this morning.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/26/2005 02:15:00 PM



1000pdt Grandmas Paula and Heidi, Great Grandma Marcia, and Marilyn Madsen arrive for a first visit. Aidan takes it all pretty well and has only a modest few things to say.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/24/2005 10:43:00 AM



2056pdt Aidan Paul joined us after considerable deliberation!
He is an amazingly beautiful little boy, 8lbs 6oz 21 inches, with a beautifully full head of brown hair.

I can't sufficiently express how grateful I feel for him and for Lisa, for my sister and our midwives, for the family who came here in support, and for you who are reading this and have been thinking of and helping us.

Everybody is healthy, we won't receive guests until family arrives tomorrow morning around 10, and now for some food and (finally) to bed.

More Later.


Brandon, Lisa, and AIDAN!!

P.S. I won't be anywhere but here until Monday (at the earliest). See you next week.
I'll post photos and continue reporting on his progress here, on the email list, and website.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/23/2005 09:53:00 PM



1452pdt OK ... WAY past the point of pruney fingers. The Aquadula is The Thing for making labor a bit less extreme. We continue holding on to each other as the contractions just keep coming. I had to take a bathroom break or bust, so I'm sneaking in a post.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/23/2005 02:52:00 PM



0821pdt ...tired... approaching the 36hr mark.
Just went for a walk (see Lisa's blog)
Serious contractions about the same distance apart for quite a while.
Frustration. Marshalling our collective strength and will.

1013pdt turned a corner into doing very well. 3-4min apart and 1min avg in length.
Talking about cool stuff in beween conractions. Meg is being amazing, professional, compassionate, etc.

1137pdt Juli (midwife) is here and has set up all kinds of excellent preparations from tea to oxygen, a recent exam gave all the best results about dilation, efacement, station, etc.
We are cooking! Word has it there will be a baby today.
Images of the dramatis personae are below, as requested:

Midwives are (l-r) Dana Fox, Deborah Simone, Juli Tilsner

Brandon (L)
Meghan (R)

Lisa with Paulamom
(Brandon and Meghan's mom)

Heidimom and Gma Marcia
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/23/2005 08:21:00 AM



0800pdt In labor.
It started last night while we were at the Parkway. We started filling the birth tub after midnight, fetched Meg from Naomi's around one, and have had a bit of sleep. Serious regular contractions getting more serious.

1027pdt The State Disability Insurance adjuster just called to fill in the blank that Lisa did not on her SDI form. She wanted to know if her disabling condition had been caused by her job.

1852pdt Thinking about going for a last walk, not only to encourage things but also to enjoy the last of the fading light. Midnight (and my father's birthday Lisa is reminding me) is only in five hours. We got a nap earlier that will help alot later. Contractions, pain, details not appropriate for a blog, etc. Joy, anticipation, gifts of the spirit also feeling private and yummy. More later.

I'm thinking about making a birthday CD for the kid with all kinds of material from his birth day: photos, video, music, labor log spreadsheet, audio journals, PDFs of the blog, etc.
Hmmm. Suggestions?

Anybody reading this? Please post a comment to say you are out there.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/22/2005 08:08:00 AM



Beautiful day to take the four-legged wonder for a long walk. Other than that, Terry Pratchett is at Cody's books (on Telegraph) this evening, a movie at the Parkway is a possibility - probably Mad Hot Ballroom or Aristocrats, and Lisa made FABulous Waffles with fresh sweet apple compote for breakfast. I replaced the element in my headlight, will clear my desk and clean it, and the midwives come for a visit after lunch. Looking forward to having news of any kind after that.

1830pdt Aidan is far to comfortable in the warm and dark. Time to exercise and encourage him forth.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/21/2005 12:09:00 PM



1000pdt Still coasting. I'm out and about doing my regular things. Lisa is resting after a poor night's sleep.

The trip to Chabot Lake, complete with picnic and walk, was quite nice. Lunch was accompanied by bees trying to eat the chicken as we attempted to stuff it in our faces, and a vagabond violinist practicing the same song over and over, badly, in the nearby brush, but after we served up an offering of BBQ chicken leftovers on a nearby table (to molify the bees) and released the dobermans into the underbrush it became quite nice.
Happy Birthday to me. At least it didn't rain. Any time now, Aidan.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/20/2005 09:55:00 AM



1119pdt Nobody yet. Today we'll go to the lake for a walk and picnic. Our mobile communications may not funtion there. Please don't leave messages letting us know we are inaccessible, and please don't call the house to confirm that we are still waiting.

Regarding my usual daily activities, if I have an appointment to meet you, or teach a class, or anything at all, please do not assume because you can't get me on the phone immediately that anything has changed or is cancelled. I'm in line for everything as usual unless I call you to let you know I can't come. More later on cool things happening today. Had a pretty cool dream to start things off. I might say more about that later.

Had a bit of excitement during our afternoon walk, but all subsisted.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/19/2005 11:19:00 AM



1917 pdt

Clare Doyle (my sister's Mother-in-law) suggests that she walked to bring on labor, stepping up and down off and on the curb. Today we've done that once and are about to head out again (so to speak) as I type. She also is alleged to have said that she knew birth was imminent every time because the baby quit moving completely immediately before the blessed event. We are paying attention, as always, but he hasn't moved much anyway in the last couple of weeks. Just enough to keep his Mom from worrying.

2125 pdt

Today was a nap day and a bit of alright. Tomorrow will feature my birthday wish of a walk and picnic near our lake (resevoir) and nature area. I'm looking forward to Lisa's BBQ chicken and german potato salad, as well as Meghan's greek salad, and Paula's carob brownies. That is unless the small one has other plans. That would be my primary birthday wish. He may continue trying to wait for his grandfather's birthday on the 23rd.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/18/2005 07:15:00 PM



From our family trip yesterday to the Palace of the Legion of Honor to see their wearable art exhibit. The excursion took a lot of Lisa's energy so she is resting.

Went to train today with Hal Lehrman Sensei (at Aikido of Berkeley for the first time September 16, 17, 18) who is the longest term student of Yamada Sensei and who has been training for over forty years. He combines Zen with Aikido (we sat after class and it was lovely, though his intro to mediatation talk was too long and unnecessary IMHO even if one had never sat before). The Aikido part was Vunderbar and opened new doors to directions I need work on for Yondan. Feeling grateful. There is one more day tomorrow. I HIGHLY recommed going, if possible.

After training I got taken to sushi (particularly yummy sashimi) in Piedmont by my Sis (Meghan) and enjoyed the good company of Mom (Paula) and Sister-in-law (Naomi Keepin). Got $35 parking ticket 2 minutes post expiration, after faithfully putting money in meter twice. AAARRRGGGGHHHHH. I hate collection scams based on arbitrary systems.

Baby due today.
Baby not arriving today (so far). So much for him being born on the Feast of Mithra (Zoroastrian recognition of the angel of light, kind of, there is a bit of disagreement). Actually, I'd rather he not identify too strongly with Mr. All Good God vs. All Bad Evil Anti-god.
Rather another option?
19 Tuesday Lailat al Bara'ah - Islamic night of forgiveness.
22 Thursday Mabon * - Wicca/Neo Pagan celebration of the Fall Equinox.
Oh, well. The baby kicks the All Systems Go labor hormone into gear. I guess he's calling the proverbial shots. Lisa not happy camper. Done. Wanting baby out and moving on to the snugglin' and lovin' part. READY.

Got a Birthday card (I turn 36 the day after tomorrow - Monday 19th) from Eric Zuckerman and Beth Zuckerwoman. It is so lovely to be remembered I have vowed to pay much more careful attention to other peoples significant dates. Thanks Eric and Beth.

Hoping Nick Walker is better today. I think I'll call him. Maybe you should too. But that way he'll get no sleep. Hmm. Dilemma. I put a link to his blog here. Maybe he'll include me in his conspiracy of mutual promotion.
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/17/2005 05:24:00 PM



I'll do my best to post a homefront report during the time immediately preceding and following delivery, so folks can check-in without calling, etc.

The baby announcement will go out via my personal (and almost never used) announcement list. If you'd like to be on it please click here.

Congratulations too to Chris and Jennifer Sybert on the birth of Aaron Christopher Sybert (at 2043 hrs 6 September 2005 - 9 lbs. 10 oz) !

Babies, babies, everywhere!!
   | posted by Unknown @ 9/11/2005 05:25:00 PM



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