

brandon williamscraig  

I miss my people!
Lovely snow. Most excellent Nephew.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 12/25/2007 01:44:00 PM



To: California Secretary of State

We call for an investigation into and remedy for the following malfeasance in voter registration.

In California, the office of the Alameda County Registrar of Voter, David MacDonald, participated in the following questionable pratices:

- mailed Presidential Primary Election (February 5, 2008) ballot requests in such a way that they arrived after the deadline for submission had passed (December 17, 2007). On December 19th, 2007 the deadline was reported by a Registrar of Voters telephone representative as being extended to January 22, 2008 but the form does not provide this information and therefore appears useless.

- failed to include on the form a line for printing both name and address to speed verification of voters. Only a signature and date line is included. The same Registrar of Voters telephone representative reported how difficult it is to work with just a signature and strongly requested the additional information.

We are California residents and are concerned that the practices outlined above directly and negatively impact the democratic process and all parties allowing Decline to State/Non-partisan voters to participate in their upcoming primaries. We hereby call for an investigation and verification of the deadline extension.


The Undersigned

View Current Signatures

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   | posted by Unknown @ 12/19/2007 12:01:00 PM



Robot sex and energy vampires. Just further evidence that mythology is no more.
Almost not kidding.

Our vampire energy sucks are on a wall switch. One toggle later and No More Suck.
That's just because we're very clever.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 12/18/2007 09:13:00 PM



Selections on religion.

Christianity as a "Way". Marcus (not "The") Borg. Then Huston Smith. Then Borg again on the Bible. Then Krishnamurti.


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   | posted by Unknown @ 12/17/2007 07:33:00 PM



This week, including the one-year anniversary of Aidan's death, has turned out very differently from that of September the 23rd, which would have been his second birthday. In September I was deeply in touch with my rage over a perfect 15 month old being found dead, and with no explanation of any kind forthcoming. That has gone underground for a while, and I feel profoundly in touch with how grateful I am that he Was, even though he took a part of me with him when he went.
More in the Work In Process Wiki.

There are many more video's and audio tracks posted to our Aidan Tribute. Go to my bdwc.net and click on his name. Massive quantities of photos of him have also been uploaded to our extended family website Gallery. Email me for a password if you'd like to get in and see.

I'm finally spending most of my time writing the dissertation. I've created a working Introduction and provided evidence for my avoidance thereof. As I'm writing non-stop on the diss, the Research index gets cool new stuff, like Diffusion of Innovations, all the time.

I recorded the GreenFest in San Francisco not long ago and clarified in my own mind the divide in the "Green" Eco Movement.
My Xmas inquiry is amassing (Christamassing) new material here.
I'm also developing a brief developmental introduction to Mythological Study on the new Process Arts wiki.

In the Silly Fun Dept....Let me know if you take this quiz. It's simplistic but fun.

I sang the solos from Biebl's Ave Maria at church today within a trio and full choir. The recording is in my live tracks player (not my Gcast podcast player) here. The arrangement is by local stars Chanticleer.


   | posted by Unknown @ 12/16/2007 10:18:00 PM



Dec 12th marks Aidan's Death and Dec 19th the ritual that followed. Here comes the week of descent.

Wed 19th falls on the Jewish Fast of 10th Tevet. The Wikipedian oracle reads:

"The text in II Kings (25:1-4) tells us that on the 10th day of the 10th month, in the ninth year of his reign, (588 BCE), Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian king, began the siege of Jerusalem. Three years later, on the 17th of Tammuz, he broke through the city walls. The siege ended with the destruction of the Temple three weeks later, on the 9th of Av, the end of the first Kingdoms and the exile of the Jewish people to Babylon."

We've been under siege for a year now. I'd love to get around this lasting two more years if possible. The sun still shines as brightly or the rain falls in its time. Still the walls get broken through and exiles begin, or not. I'd love to come home to my vocation in a place that values building community and working well with conflict. I feel in exile. So I write and write and write and write and

What else?

I believe in the danger and ubiquity of creeds.
Here is mine.
This is what passes for philosophy in my life.
Purpose is in the unfolding process of imagining a better way of being and then projecting it faithfully.
Reality is in the ongoing process of living ways of imagining through projection.
Suffering is in the continuous process of slowly realizing ways of being imagined through life.
Joy is in and on purpose, or it isn't. (start again)

At the level of identity I am Under Six Feet and Tall Enough to Reach the Records. On the other hand I am Big but not quite big Enough.
Under six-feet and "six feet under" are related...................(click on "Life's Too Short " if you are not Lisa)
Tall Enough is a prophecy. Big Enough isn't.
I'll say more of what I mean by this later, if there is a later, on my wiki.

I might put more here soon.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 12/11/2007 03:00:00 PM



Communitarianism - the New God Image
from the StoryField Conference 2007

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   | posted by Unknown @ 12/09/2007 10:30:00 PM



Story Lives!
from the StoryField Conference


   | posted by Unknown @ 12/09/2007 10:28:00 PM



A recent petition at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/659309295

Stop Big Media From Getting Bigger!

I oppose any relaxation or elimination of the public interest limits on media ownership. The proposed rewrite of the cross ownership ban severely jeopardizes localism and diversity, which are the cornerstones of a democratic media.

Limits on media consolidation have been a bulwark against the concentration of economic power in the marketplace of ideas -- a critical part of balancing the public service mission of the media system, and we cannot afford to compromise them in any way.

Any public policy seeking to protect diversity in the media must recognize the simple fact that ownership matters. Media consolidation has already led to declines in local and minority ownership as well as the homogenization of content in radio and television.

The proposed language permitting cross-ownership of newspapers and broadcast stations will only worsen the problems we already have.

When the FCC attempted to weaken and remove media ownership limits in 2003, millions of Americans rose up in protest. Congress and the courts ultimately intervened to turn back that misguided regulatory process.

Now that the cross ownership ban is again under consideration, the FCC should stand firm with the public against further concentration of media ownership in the hands of the few.

A vote against these proposed rules is a vote for democracy.

Date Name State Country Tell the FCC why you are concerned about media consolidation:
4:00 pm PST, Dec 9 Brandon Williamscraig California United States A suggested way to talk about this: The choices we face at this level are simple to understand and difficult to accept. Surviving the coming crises depends on powering down, manufacturing less, and getting local (decentralizing). This all applies to control of media but the last is the most crucial. In this age good media = locally driven media. This is impossible with more control being gobbled up by multinationals. This is not a petty squabble over power. It will directly impact the survival and viability of the United States as a whole.

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   | posted by Unknown @ 12/09/2007 04:02:00 PM



Please watch and go to any of the links below to comment and interact.

I've just applied to be a part of their wiki with the following words:

I work toward the reform and maturation of public, private, and continuing education. As an educated people are required for democracy and related systems to function, the emerging myth of worldwide community requires education in a global politics of inclusion to move forward to the next institutional level required for survival on this planet. This must include the realities of exponential change currently in play. My area of study, and the subject of my humanities dissertation, has to do with the work of mythology on psychology, and vice versa, that makes possible the conscious building of culture through creative attention to conflict and working toward peace through an education that integrates the Process Arts. I believe this will lead to a shared and more flexible understanding of what it is to be human today.

Also see the gentlemen below responsible for the video above

Karl Fisch, The Fischbowl, karlfisch@gmail.com
Scott McLeod, Dangerously Irrelevant, dr.scott.mcleod@gmail.com

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   | posted by Unknown @ 12/04/2007 10:28:00 AM



All original material here is Creative Commons License licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. All material not originated by the author is used in accordance with acceptable use practices governing public domain, academic study, and not-for-profit cultural development and critique. Any concerns about privacy or copyrights may be addressed by emails directed to public at bdwc dot net.

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