

brandon williamscraig  

It had to happen.
Better than a kick in the head with a rusty boot (thanks, Lisa)...
it is time for...
The Poop Post.

It is a law that new parents must, at some point, marvel at the pernicious and profound place Poop purloins in their newly babyful world.

But seriously, WOW - now THAT was some serious poop.
[mis en garde: the following post contains graphic depictions of you-know-what]

It is known as The Blow Out.
Sometimes, even when the legs have been cinched tight enough to restrict the blood flow to his brain...
Poop will Out.
Out the back, out the leg that suddenly gapes just a bit when he leans into a reprise poop, letting out the secondary flow into the otherwise pristine, extremely cute trousers (distinguishable from jumpers by the lack of easy-access crotch snaps).

And chunks! The kid eats mother's milk. Where do chunks come from? Is he sneaking Mounds Bars into his crib of an evening?

Very impressive.
When They said that parenting (for the first bit) is all about bodily fluids of every color and viscocity, Brother, they weren't kidding.

Up next, Drool.
Phlegm at 11.
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/30/2005 07:09:00 PM



Aidan's focus distance shifted very recently from "only things immediately in front of my nose" to include (and become much more interesting for the time being in) things about five feet away. We had several lovely and energetic interactions at that distance today which made the following observations possible.

He is (as of today) quite capable of rolling from his stomach to his back. Last night he almost managed it but not quite. Despite the new distance preference, faces in the mirror time in the bathroom was particularly connected and articulate. He had a lovely time lying on his back and waving his arms and legs about for quite some time, the second violins in the orchestra on the ceiling needing his intense attention.

His eyes are grey. Not blue, sometimes inclined to dark shadowing, as are mine. But definitely a rich, fascinating grey like a woven fabric of some kind. I'll work towards a good jpeg at some point.
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/28/2005 02:23:00 PM



Today, Aidan was playing with his Discovery Jiggle Giraffe Musical Mover (thanks, Grandma Heidi) with Iris and fascinated by its southernmost end and grabbing its audibly crinkly tail.

Not long thereafter he was eating lunch with Iris (while I got to work in the next room - thanks, Iris) and almost pulled the entire bowl of her grapes off the kitchen table.

His mother and I are both jealous of his Discovery Lullaby Light Show (again thanks, Grandma Heidi) and want our own adult version with Cthulhu, Jesus, and Dick Cheney glowingly cast onto our nighty walls.

Ahhh, lullaby light shows. I wish everyone were as loving and as child oriented as Aidan's grandparents.

This post is in no way meant to advocate the early childhood exposure of any person to Dick Cheney or members of the fanatically expedient Right.

Who Would Jesus Bomb, after all?

   | posted by Unknown @ 12/26/2005 05:35:00 PM



Eagerly awaiting the results of generosity and serving a non-profit.
Since you asked, the specs on my new (to me) laptop:

Dell Inspiron XPS M140 Notebook: Intel Pentium M Processor 740 (1.73GHz/2MB Cache/533MHz FSB) Microsoft Windows XP Media Center 2005

Inspiron XPS M140 Notebook: Intel Pentium M Processor 740 (1.73GHz/2MB Cache/533MHz FSB)

1 GB DDR2 SDRAM 533MHz (2 DIMMs)

Microsoft Windows XP Media Center 2005

Bluetooth Wireless Card

TV Tuner w/ Remote Control

100 GB EIDE Hard Drive (5400 RPM)

Internal Modem/Integrated NIC

65W Adapter

6 Cell Primary Battery

8x DVD +/- RW w/dbl layer write capability

McAfee SecurityCenter with VirusScan, Firewall, Spyware Removal, 36-months

14.1 inch WXGA TrueLife Notebook Screen

Wireless Card
Really looking forward to this. My Toshiba Satelite 5005-s504 has served me very well since 2001 and is in need of less strenuous duties.
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/24/2005 09:59:00 PM



My sister's Tiny Traveler is past the 20 week mark and just began to kick and flip!

Wahoo! I'm gonna be an uncle!

She and Isaiah are calling the little one Bo for now, as in Derick and Diddley - so the gender can go either way, so to speak. My sister's name for me (for the majority of our lives) was Bro, so I'll simply fancy Bo being named for me for now :)

Aidan can't wait to greet his cousin. We discussed it just recently and he wasn't quite clear on the matter until I created a Power Point presentation to outline the more salient aspects of the dynamics involved.

   | posted by Unknown @ 12/24/2005 09:09:00 PM



Yesterday I was looking over Aidan's bean into the mirror, into which he has been actively looking for about two weeks with varying degrees of focus, and he tracked me and smiled when I smiled or waggled my eyebrows at him, different from simply getting lost in his own experience of being reflected.

Upon waking, Aidan discovered Lisa's plush rhino stuffed toy next to him, looked directly at it and without losing focus made a wide variety of sounds directly at it while whacking it with his right hand and pushing it from and pulling it toward himself.
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/24/2005 09:46:00 AM



Today, while giving him his luncheon bottle, Aidan pushed the hand holding the bottle away from his mouth, paused for a brief moment of contemplation - of what no one but he will ever know, and then grabbed my wrist and pulled the bottle directly back to his mouth for more. This little boy is becoming a more intentional being every moment he is awake.

   | posted by Unknown @ 12/23/2005 12:27:00 PM



For those of you who have asked "who IS that guy you keep telling stories about who is sweet on Heidi?"
A gentleman and a lawyer. My mother-in-law (affectionately known as Heidimom) has GREAT taste.

Gregory T. Hornecker

Member: District Advisory Council, Small Business Administration, 1971-1978; Member: Oregon State Bar; Member: Board of Bar Examiners, 1973-1976); American Bar Association

Photo of Gregory  T. Hornecker

Practice Areas:
Real Estate Law
Business Law
Guardianship and Conservatorship Law
Elder Law
Estates & Trusts

J.D., University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 1958 B.S., Oregon State University, Corvallis,Oregon, 1955

1958, Oregon
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/23/2005 12:29:00 AM



Aidan's latest
He began:
Gripping a plastic ring with his thumb and first two fingers - and retained the grip while being carried or transferred - a bit over a week ago
Drooling like mad enough to wet his entire front - this past week
Reacting to toys in his vicinity - a few days ago
Sticking out is tongue often whenever he opens his mouth - one or two days ago

And me too..

As we speak I am finishing (I hope) editing my first production DVD. From MiniDV tape capture and learning the software to a first trial disk I spent around 30 hours working on it while in Oregon for Thanksgiving (and lost some serious sleep). I've missed my Mother-in-law's and Grandma-in-law's birthdays (for which the DVDs were intended) but will include bonuses given the extra time. The problem with DVDs and tech work in general is that the hours of work behind it disappear and, in the end, it looks like a cheap little plastic disk - which it is, of course. Not a very impressive gift unless the recipient has tried to make one while learning all the technology. Same thing goes (at some level) for desktop and network set-up and maintenance. Ah, well. It will be spiffy nonetheless.
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/18/2005 05:15:00 PM



My fortune cookie of yesterday: "Your nurturing instincts will expand to include many people."

I'm one of those fickle fortune functionaries who only pays attention when they agree with what's going with me anyway, or what I want to be going on at any rate.
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/12/2005 10:37:00 AM



Duet. Aidan and his Papa.

this is an audio post - click to play
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/09/2005 09:23:00 AM



Do you ever combine bits of songs inappropriately,
and then get stuck with them in your head?
this is an audio post - click to play
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/05/2005 09:39:00 PM



Day ONE - Lisa is back at work for the first time since September, and The Boy and I are on our own. This morning, upon waking, the young master was doing cruches in bed, pulling his entire upper torso off the bed at the same time as his legs and then hanging out there. Abs of steel, that boy of mine. He slept another thirty minutes or so after Lisa went to work, and then lay awake looking around, doing crunches, and talking about the state of the world in general. My boon companion and I discussed Mama's absence at some length, at which point he allowed that he missed her mightily, but might be OK until she arrives home.

As I worked on the phone with Leon (in Berkeley) and Rosa (in New York), Aidan had a bit to say, required a diaper change, and wanted his bottle (thank you, Lisa!) but after the call, and after his various desires were satisfied, he spent time in his swing, watching me and making helpful suggestions.

Later he became fussy despite the clean diaper and with a remarkable disdain for milk, so... I pouched him. The sling Lisa made based on the Maya wrap pattern is my secret weapon. As long as he has no specific needs but is simply fussy, a serious pouching (rocked by my movement in a dark, warm environment near my midsection, complete with an autopaparestoring pacifier) is a sure bet for virtually instant, deep, and lasting naposity. I love this kid. That goes without saying, I suppose. But he is so amazingly agreeable most of the time, I wallow in appreciation for the blessing of him. And yes, I know that could change at any time and that he will go through phases. If another person tells me that the Child From Hell must be just around the corner, hard on the heels of hearing how agreeable he is, I may have to sigh at them. Again.
Now, Lisa is home an hour early, the boy is cuddled, tea has been brewed, and all is right with our world. This is not everyone's story, or even our story every day. But today I pour libations and raise my voice in praise.

And to top it off community friends, Betsy and Bob Norris, brought us dinner: an amazingly thick and tasty beef stew, and salad with avocado, and fresh bread, and two pumpkin crunch squares for desert. Yum beyond description, for which we are most grateful.
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/05/2005 04:33:00 PM



Today, an audio journal this is an audio post - click to play
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/05/2005 10:39:00 AM



My day, in briefs. this is an audio post - click to play

Aidan developmental markers of late:
He has begun reaching for and grabbing things in which he is interested: Lisa's shirt, his pacifier ring (which he pulls out of his mouth and waves around by the ring).
Dec 1st he sucked his thumb for the first time. Before that he sucked on his whole fist.
Over the last several weeks we have noticed a growing tendency, when his face is neutral/interested, to smile in response to external interaction.
The second week of November was the first time he looked up and smiled when his name was called, while adults were in conversation about him, though his first smiles have been growing in frequency and accompanying monologue since around the 1st monthish.

What a lovely kid; a real pleasure.
   | posted by Unknown @ 12/03/2005 08:41:00 PM



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